Squash and pumpkins decorate for Halloween, warm up the chilly autumn with their bright colors, but above all, feed us all winter long.
69% of pumpkins are thrown away after the October 31st holiday[1] and yet their virtues[2] are multiple, and it's local!
Pumpkin seeds, like those of all squashes, are eaten roasted. The flesh of the pumpkin, like that of all squashes, is eaten in pumpkin pies, replaces the carrots in cakes, and freezes well after being transformed into puree. Its flesh lends itself to all kinds of sauces and even to plum sauce! It's true witchcraft[3]!
While "traditional" pumpkins don't keep as long, squash can not only decorate the house all winter long, but can also keep us fed for a long time! Local, winter squash are just great! And Le Gollé Goulu has grown a few varieties[4]: come and feast your eyes, mouth and nose on them! And to ward off vampires on Halloween, the Ghoulish Gollé's garlic works wonders.
Squash and pumpkins from the orchard at Gollé Goulu (October 2 and 8)
Delicata squash: a small elongated light yellow squash with green and sometimes orange lines, it is delicious stuffed* and baked. A healthy meal guaranteed!
Ponca Baby Butternut Squash: this is the famous squash that can be cooked in a variety of ways: in gratin dauphinois, in lacto-fermentation, in soup... It can be eaten raw, cooked, mashed, sautéed, or lightened. Its purée is well integrated into a cheese and milk sauce for a vitamin-packed macaroni and cheese! Cut into thin slices, it can easily replace lasagna pasta.
Spaghetti squash: A long yellow squash, it is delicious as a replacement for... spaghetti pasta! After cutting it in half and removing the seeds, bake it for 20 to 40 minutes. Remove the strands with a fork and garnish the "spaghetti" with fresh tomato sauce or an Asian-inspired sauce or just a touch of oil, pressed garlic and fleur de sel.
Algonquian Pumpkin: A long green pumpkin that turns orange when ripe, this pumpkin has a slightly sweet flesh that lends itself well to soups. Make a puree** to use in desserts to replace some of the flour and liquids (cupcake, pumpkin pie***, pudding, etc.). And it keeps relatively long.
Nice squash: a squash from France that can be eaten green and young in a stir-fry, grated into dumplings or muffins. It can be made into a relish or stuffed. In the fall, it can also be eaten orange and mature, like other squashes.
Other squashes and pumpkins to discover at the Gollé Goulu orchard: Red Kuri pumpkin, Long Island cheese squash, Cheyenne Busch pumpkin, Canada Crookneck pumpkin, New England Pie pumpkin, Styrian naked seed pumpkin...
Squash grown with love by Marie-Soleil and Claudia
Article written with pleasure by Marie-Soleil
*Ground meat or tofu or lentils, mushrooms of all kinds, cooked rice, onions, garlic, etc. A mixture of all of these previously sautéed in the pan, seasoned to your taste.
**For a squash puree to be used in desserts, soups, sauces: cut the squash or pumpkin in half, remove the seeds (which you can clean and cook in the oven with a salty or spicy or sweet seasoning!), and let it cook in the oven at 375° F. for 20 to 45 minutes (depending on the size and type of cucurbit)
***Sometimes you need to lose some of the liquid in the puree: fry the puree in a pan over high heat for 10 to 15 minutes. The texture will be ideal for incorporating into some desserts.
****Some tips to avoid wasting our squash and pumpkins (in French only) :