About the Gollé Goulu

A forest to wander in, a land to discover

The bee flowers:

Since the spring of 2021, the Gollé Goulu has welcomed two beehives in its cultivated area, near the greenhouse. Our thousands of bees pollinate the surrounding flora during the summer. At the end of the season, we can taste the Goulumiel honey, golden like the goldenrod that brightens up the meadow. Follow us on social media to find out about the dates of availability of our Goulumiel!
We invite you to observe our bees to discover all the links that unite us with pollinators and better understand the fauna and flora that surround us.

Learn more about the life of bees at Gollé Goulu:
July 23 and August 13 with Alexis and Propolis
Book your place: 514-972-2341

Year-round accommodation

Connecting with nature:

The Gollé Goulu’s ready-to-camp units consist of five cabins, a large yurt and a canvas tent (Witente) that can accommodate up to eight people (depending on the unit). Designed to be as environmentally friendly as possible, these accommodations are made in part of wood taken from the land, sustainable materials and recycled equipment. They were built on-site or by local artisans and are as “ecological” as possible.
These units, located at the edge of the forest or hiking trails, are lit by solar energy lamps and heated with wood. Staying in these accommodations is also, in a way, like inhabiting the nature that made them possible.

Book your unit here

Going Back to Basics:

The Gollé Goulu offers you a nature getaway that will nourish your senses. Between rustic camping and “glamping” (less rustic!), you’ll enjoy an outdoor retreat in the open air and will fill your lungs up … with fresh air! The Gollé Goulu offers a well-organized return to basics thanks to its attentive services and team.

During the cold season:

Upon your arrival, a wood fire welcomes you; you may need to rekindle it in the coldest weather (two stoves may be necessary when it is 30 degrees below zero)! The dry toilet is just a few steps away from your cabin. The sanitary block is accessible, depending on the location of your unit, within a 10-minute walk, at most. In your unit, you’ll have access to a tank of drinking water for drinking and cooking, and a tank of non-drinking water for washing dishes.

Recharge your batteries:

Some batteries don’t recharge in a forest bath! If you need to power your electronic devices, it is possible to do so where electricity is available, either in the bathroom block (at all times) or at the reception pavilion.

During the warm season:

Enjoy the freshness of the forest and the blissfulness of a private shower surrounded by trees… You can get cold drinking water from the sink, but you’ll have to heat it to wash the dishes.

Outdoor recreation:

People visit the Gollé Goulu to energize themselves or clear their minds
To let go of the grip of time
To become a little more of the nature that makes us
To inhabit it and let it inhabit them.

Book a unit

Our approach is based on an active contribution and participation in the activities of Tourisme durable Québec.

Our good practices and actions make us a destination with a minimal environmental impact.

Read the news
  • Preserve scarce and valuable natural resources, including water and energy, and avoid waste generation to the greatest extent possible.
  • Save the architectural and environmental heritage (garden, barn, farmhouse, paths, field, streams, forest).
  • Welcome free of charge any community to the site to explore wildlife through various outdoor activities.
  • Respect the ecosystems and the biodiversity of the surrounding nature.
  • If the production allows it, offer products from the garden free of charge to the organizations of Saint-Côme (Les amis de Marie and the Camp Richelieu).
  • Promote health and well-being (walking in the forest and outdoor activities).
  • Ensure the protection of the territory.
  • Produce fruits and vegetables in a way that respects the environment by enhancing the value of the land.
  • Prioritize short circuit farming and offer our products to all of your campers, depending on the season.
  • Value the skills of employees and collaborators.
  • Offer campers the possibility of eating directly from the land during the harvest season thanks to fishing, the pick-your-own activities and seasonal products available.
  • Minimize waste by providing spaces for material separation (composting, recycling and littering).

Close ties with the community:

To avoid food waste, we donate to the organizations Les Amis de Marie and Camp Richelieu, part of our environmentally conscious harvest. This way of helping our community promotes a fair redistribution of our gardening products to children and people in need.